Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I should be working on my oral presentation but err, I'm over it, might jus wing it tomorrow. Anyway, on a real random note, my friend and I were discussing people that we know that don't swear at all, and at our age (e.g. early 20s). Well I for one, swear like a house on fire, ever since the age of about 12, it's been a issue. Of course I don't swear around certain older peeps (coz hello... backhand across the mouth!) but on the whole, I swear quite a damn lot, especially for a chick. Although there are a few chicks in my classes that drop a few fucks, shit n bitch up in the mix on the regular. Personally, I think it started as rebellion against my parents, mum: "watch your language, act like a lady", me: "ohh fuuuuck off" muttered under my breath of course cos yet again it woulda been backhand across the mouth. Maybe I'll grow out of it, I dunno.... but for now I'll be cussing my ass off...like a lady, lol.

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