Sunday, November 23, 2008

That's right!!!

Say it again and say it loudly..we RUN SHIT when it comes to Rugby or Rugby League!! And YES...FINALLY WE KICKED SOME AUSSIE ASSSSSSS and thrashed the mafuckers last night in the World Cup Final...considering we got eaten alive last year almost 50-nil or something, I am savouring this moment right now. And as for that haka..ohhhh shiiiiiit, was some spine tingling stuff right there, yeah the Australians BEST know to make a quick exit after being all staunch and walking up to "take up the challenge"..the sight of Benji Marshall (No.6 for all you non Southern Hemisphere residing folk) lookin the Aussie side Kiwi (aka hori) in the face is classic, esp considering he earns about $5 million a year off the Australians.ahahaha.

Shuddering at the memory of myself having the exact accent of the commentator back in the day....errrrr


Mookie Williams said...

Hey man I just changed my domain name so if you could change your link to us on the blogroll from "Hip Hop Post" to that would be great! Thanks

where's wally said...

all good :)